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William Oberfield
Kenneth J. (Kenneth John) Freeman
James Moores Ball
Richard de Bury
Thomas Wilhelm
J. T. (James Tyler) Kent
Edward S. (Edward Sims) Van Zile
Moyers S. Shore
(b. 1941)
Graham Travers
H. F. B. (Harry Finnis Blosse) Lynch
Raymond Mortimer
Hamish Miles
Arthur Harden
W. H. R. (William Halse Rivers) Rivers
Frances Margaret Fox
Louis Guimbaud
(b. 1869)
Juliette Drouet
Henry Dircks
Ernest Broxap
George Stewart
Henry Turner Bailey
Rennell Rodd
Geoffrey H. Malins
marquis de Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet
Cornelia Meigs
Alex. (Alexander) McAulay
Mabel Williamson
George Gallie Nasmith
Percy Goetschius
New Zealand. Committee of Inquiry into Mental Defectives and Sexual Offenders
Joaquim Possidónio Narciso da Silva
John Henry Overton
Charles J. (Charles John) Abbey
Georges Eekhoud
W. B. (William Babington) Maxwell
William McKinley
James McMahon
J. M. W. (Jacob Mortimer Wier) Silver
Alice Maude Kellogg
Henry Bursill
John MacGillivray
Mildred Aldrich
H. P. Holt
Piers Anthony
(b. 1934)
Daniel Bruun
Charles Derennes
A. (Aleksandr) Bogdanov
José María Salaverría
Alfred Bester
Michael Field
Benjamin Harrow
Coinneach Odhar
Arthur Herbert Leahy
Marie Tharp
Bruce C. Heezen
W. Maurice (William Maurice) Ewing
Mayow Wynell Mayow
Kössi Kaatra
Victor Meignan
Charles Gustavus Mutzenberg
(b. 1863)
Beulah Marie Dix
Dorothy Margaret Torpey
(b. 1919)
Jeff Sutton
L. P. (Levi Parker) Wyman
(b. 1873)
Edward Shortland
Andrey Bely
Kathrine Lois Scobey
Olive Brown Horne
Louise Mack
Richard C. (Richard Chace) Tolman
Frederick William Hackwood
(b. 1851)
L. P. (Lawrence Pearsall) Jacks
Emmy von Rhoden
Benjamin Taylor
Allan Menzies
Alice Campbell
Isaac Husik
Jean K. (Jean Katherine) Baird
Wilhelm Gottlieb Soldan
E. D. (Ernest Dunlop) Swinton
Abraham H. Hummel
William F. Howe
Sir James McCrone Douie
Allan Arnold
Robert Jennings
Ashley Horace Thorndike
Leonard Woolsey Bacon
Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury
Henry Oyen
Jasper Ewing Brady
Felix Speiser
Lucien Biart
Hugo P. (Hugo Paul) Thieme
Friedrich J. (Friedrich Johann) Lehmann
Charles Michael Baggs
Hermenegildo Cruz
C. H. (Charles Harold) Herford
John W. (John William) Cousin
Walter Dill Scott
Raphael Semmes
E. L. (Edward Lloyd) Lomax
Eric Stuart Bruce
Arthur J. Hayes
Ranulf de Glanville
Edw. Le Roy (Edward Le Roy) Rice
Richard M. Weaver
Ernest Rutherford