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Jennie J. Young
Joseph Clarence Hemmeon
(b. 1880)
Albert Daiber
John H. (John Henry) Dixon
Alfred Plummer
Sebastian Kneipp
M. L. (Mason Locke) Weems
C. S. (Caroline Snowden) Guild
Horatio Edward Norfolk
Julian Sharman
Neda A. Walpole
G. O. (George O.) Shields
Selwyn Brinton
H. (Harold) Fielding
Daniel Turner Holmes
Richard Linthicum
Percy J. Billinghurst
Peter C. Duchochois
William A. Spicer
Sarah S. (Sarah Schoonmaker) Baker
Anna de Noailles
S. (Sarah) Macnaughtan
W. A. (William Allan) Chapple
Louis Pergaud
Madame (Elisabeth Charlotte Pauline) Guizot
Etta Blaisdell McDonald
(b. 1872)
Frederick Arthur Sibly
Mary Scharlieb
Florence Kreisler Greenbaum
Marie E. (Marie Elizabeth) Zakrzewska
Harriet Stark
Jr. (Heber Wilkinson) Heber W. Youngken
Joseph S. Karas
Alice B. (Alice Bunker) Stockham
Thomson Burtis
L. Newton Hayes
(b. 1883)
Roland Ashford Phillips
Sydney J. (Sydney John) Hickson
J. Harvey (John Harvey) Haggard
E. Norman (Edward Norman) Gardiner
Henry Davenport Northrop
Mary C. E. Wemyss
Achilles Tatius
Nola Nance Oliver
Edward John Eyre
Nicolas Appert
Michel Corday
Charlie Chaplin
Frederic J. (Frederic Jennings) Haskin
Charles A. (Charles Arthur) Conant
Douglas Frazar
Robert Fitzroy
Ray D. Burkett
(b. 1938)
Sir Francis Leopold M'Clintock
Frederick C. Davis
Edward Samuel Corwin
Hermann Schoenfeld
Thomas M. Disch
Rosel George Brown
Albert Du Casse
Eleanor Mercein Kelly
John Strange Winter
Tiberius Catius Silius Italicus
Eduard Hanslick
Nixon Waterman
W. Basil (William Basil) Worsfold
Z. F. (Zachariah Frederick) Smith
B. L. (Benjamin L.) Hill
Frances Nimmo Greene
Bennet Burleigh
(d. 1914)
R. Eivind
Cecil Chesterton
Hans Bethge
Fred C. (Frederick Carruthers) Cornell
Oliver E. Remey
Henry F. (Henry Frederick) Cochems
(b. 1875)
Wheeler P. Bloodgood
Cornelia Mee
Eliza Orzeszkowa
E. B. (Enoch Barton) Garey
O. O. (Olin Oglesby) Ellis
(b. 1886)
Olive Higgins Prouty
R. M. (Robert Matteson) Johnston
duc d'Otrante Joseph Fouché
Wallace Bruce
Tommaso Piroli
Raymond MacDonald Alden
George Alexander Fischer
(d. 1922)
Georges Rodenbach
Calvin Coolidge
G. F. R. (George Francis Robert) Henderson
Marcus Porcius Cato
Adrien-Jean-Baptiste-François Bourgogne
John R. (John Rogers) Bolles
National Promenade Band
Mrs. (Annie) J. B. Webb
Robert Alexander Craig
(b. 1872)
City of London (England). Lord Mayor
City of London (England). Court of Aldermen
R. H. (Ralph Hale) Mottram
Towry Piper
Hidalgo Moya
Russkaia pravoslavnaia tserkov
Morton Prince
Alexander McCaul
Louis Pasteur