English drama (Comedy) — Audiobooks

The Way of the World

The Way of the World

by William Congreve

The Alchemist

The Alchemist

by Ben Jonson

Volpone; Or, The Fox

by Ben Jonson

Every Man in His Humor

by Ben Jonson

William Wycherley [Four Plays]

by William Wycherley

Love for Love: A Comedy

by William Congreve

The Rivals: A Comedy

The Rivals: A Comedy

by Richard Brinsley Sheridan

The Old Bachelor: A Comedy

by William Congreve

Androcles and the Lion

by Bernard Shaw

The Recruiting Officer

by George Farquhar


by G. K. (Gilbert Keith) Chesterton

The Beaux-Stratagem

by George Farquhar

John Bull's Other Island

John Bull's Other Island

by Bernard Shaw

Richard Steele

by Sir Richard Steele

The Double-Dealer: A Comedy

by William Congreve

Roister Doister

by Nicholas Udall



by Bernard Shaw

The Hunchback

by James Sheridan Knowles


by John Galsworthy

Next Door Neighbours: A Comedy; In Three Acts

by Néricault Destouches , Mrs. Inchbald , Louis-Sébastien Mercier

The Sentimentalists

by George Meredith