by John Lord
by Peerless Orchestra (Edison studio ensemble)
by Various Authors
by Max Brand
by Samuel Johnson
by John Greenleaf Whittier
by Annie F. (Annie Fellows) Johnston
by Edward Everett Hale
by Aphra Behn
by Alexandre Dumas
by August Strindberg
by Ernest Christopher Dowson
by Desiderius Erasmus
by Catharine Parr Strickland Traill
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
by Anthony Trollope
by George William Russell
by Fustel de Coulanges
by Daniel Defoe
by George Moore
by Robert W. (Robert William) Chambers
by George William Curtis
by Edward Bellamy
by I. Giberne (Isabel Giberne) Sieveking
by Augustine Birrell
by Irene Osgood Andrews, Margaret A. Hobbs
by Richard Ashby
by T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot
by William Barclay Napton
by Robert F. Young
by Hannes Bok
by Eleanora H. Stooke
by Ivar Jorgensen
by Florence Warden
by Joseph Payne Brennan
by Pye Henry Chavasse
by Plymouth Cordage Company
by Claude McKay
by Bartimeus
by Thomas Henry Huxley
by Ernest Psichari
by Luigi Capuana
by John Lewis Burckhardt, Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa
by Dora Melegari
by Edgar Wallace
by Mark Twain
by Ferenc Molnár
by Howard Roger Garis
by G. A. (George Alfred) Henty
by Various Authors
by Grant M. (Grant Martin) Overton
by Walter Scott
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
by Emily Manners
by W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders) Petrie
by Alfred Watkins
by Charles T. (Charles Turner) Gorham
by Julian Hawthorne
by Walter B. (Walter Butler) Cheadle, Viscount William Fitzwilliam Milton
by Sax Rohmer
by Arthur Gray
by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
by Nathaniel H. (Nathaniel Holmes) Bishop
by J. C. (John Collis) Snaith
by Herman Bavinck
by Mariano José de Larra
by Sir J. W. (John William) Fortescue
by Herman Bavinck
by Wilhelm Hauff
by Louis Couperus
by Zsigmond Móricz
by Jarena Lee
by A. E. (Antwerp Edgar) Pratt
by W. Blommaert, S. F. N. (Stefanus François Naudé) Gie
by Alexandre Dumas
by John Burns
by Sir Alexander Burnes
by Sylvester Graham
by Irene W. Hartt
by American Thread Company
by Jukichi Inouye
by contessa Evelyn Lilian Hazeldine Carrington Martinengo-Cesaresco
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Rebecca Lee Crumpler
by Richard Cannon
by Patricia Wentworth
by Maud Lindsay
by Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison) Brinton
by William Fisher Markwick, William Alexander Smith
by Charles B. (Charles Bert) Reed
by André Gide
by George Grote
by Frank Bird Linderman
by Baron Arthur Ponsonby Ponsonby