by David L. Hieb
by Béroalde de Verville
by Infanta of Spain Eulalia
by G. (George) Flemwell
by William Harrison Ainsworth
by Henry Clay Bruce
by Various Authors
by Mór Jókai
by Capwell Wyckoff
by Edwin W. (Edwin Wiley) Fuller
by Richard Mayde
by R. H. R.
by James M. (James Martin) Allerton
by Kathleen Gray Nelson
by Edward G. (Edward Gheen) Cheyney
by Arminta Neal
by Honoré de Balzac
by Sophocles
by Allan Coleman Ashcraft
by A. W. (Arvill Wayne) Bitting, K. G. (Katherine Golden) Bitting
by Ben. E. (Benjamin Erastus) Rich
by Aino Kallas
by Paul Hutchens
by Edward L. (Edward Lawton) Moss
by Hugo Münsterberg
by Christy Mathewson
by Percy F. (Percy Francis) Westerman
by Francis F. Beirne
by Albert Engström
by Carl Avery Werner
by Eleanor Farjeon
by Anonymous
by Luis Senarens
by Fritz Klatt
by Max Pemberton
by Mór Jókai
by active 1880-1932 Edwin Green
by Annie Besant
by Virginia Hughes
by Mary M. (Mary Martha) Mears
by Ethel Turner
by Auguste Broca, Charles Ducroquet
by Frank Bell
by Georg Ebers
by Gordon Stables
by Louise Imogen Guiney
by Frances Jenkins Olcott
by Ioulia D. Dragoume
by Charles Boissevain
by C. H. Forbes-Lindsay
by Beatrice Home
by Robert Barr
by T. Jenkins (Thornton Jenkins) Hains
by Mrs. (Margaret) Oliphant
by Robina Lizars, Kathleen Macfarlane Lizars
by Georg Ebers
by comtesse de Sophie Ségur
by Georg Ebers
by Ilmari Kianto
by Gertrude Linnell
by Mrs. Hugh Fraser
by Harold MacGrath
by Mrs. (Margaret) Oliphant
by Georg Ebers
by Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, Chautauqua Institution
by Benjamin Copeland
by Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee to Inquire into the Contract Packet Service
by Georg Ebers
by Kirk Munroe
by Various Authors
by Gilbert Cannan
by Louise Imogen Guiney
by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
by Elijah Kellogg
by Anna T. (Anna Theresa) Sadlier
by Richard M. (Richard Mace) Elam
by Carl Engel
by Elizabeth F. (Elizabeth Frances) Guptill
by Georg Ebers
by Catharine Parr Strickland Traill
by Anna Schieber
by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
by Richard A. (Richard Anthony) Proctor
by Eugène Béjot
by D. S. (Douglas S.) Andrews
by William Clark Russell
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Massimo Bontempelli
by Bernard Shaw
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office