by Harriet Beecher Stowe
by Rodolphe Töpffer
by Alessandro Manzoni
by Charles C. (Charles Coffin) Jewett
by Josephine Lawrence
by Various Authors
by George M. (George Melville) Baker
by Robert Graves
by Various Authors
by Shakespeare (spurious and doubtful works)
by Various Authors
by William Watts Folwell
by Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
by Walter Wood
by Karl Arnold Kortum
by Wallace Irwin
by Carl Ignaz Geiger
by Various Authors
by Cornelis Veth
by Charles Deulin
by Voleur
by Herbert Beeman
by Norman Gale
by John-the-Giant-Killer
by Samuel J. (Samuel Jones) Tilden
by Joel Lehtonen
by Manuel Fernández Juncos
by Jules Verne
by Joseph Conrad
by Stanley R. Matthews
by William Dean Howells
by Pío Baroja
by W. H. (William Henry) Wilkins
by L.-B. (Louis-Benoît) Picard, Friedrich Schiller
by Thomas P. Thayer
by Max Brod
by Antonio Ghislanzoni
by Ernst Eckstein
by Bence Jones
by Evelyn Brentwood
by Ernst Blass
by Frederick R. (Frederick Russell) Burton
by John Jones, Jonathan Swift
by Graf von Wolf Ernst Hugo Emil Baudissin
by Lincoln Colcord
by Georg Döring
by Sidney Dickinson
by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
by W. (William) Holt-White
by George Birkbeck Norman Hill, Sir Rowland Hill
by Linnean Society of London
by C.-F. (Constantin-François) Volney
by Edward Berdoe
by Edward Tennyson Reed
by George S. McWatters
by F. McKelvey (Frederick McKelvey) Bell
by George Madden Martin
by Carmen Sylva
by T. S. (Timothy Shay) Arthur
by Elizabeth (Elizabeth Southerden Thompson) Butler
by Homer Greene
by Freiherr von Ernst Bibra
by John Patterson
by Harold Frederic
by Baron Max Aitken Beaverbrook
by James E. (James Edward) Talmage
by Thomas Hughes
by John Berry Haycraft
by R. Sturgis (Robert Sturgis) Ingersoll
by Martha Finley
by Clemens Brandenburger
by Various Authors
by Guanzhong Luo
by Guanzhong Luo
by George Sand
by Guanzhong Luo
by Lucas Malet
by David Lathrop
by Perry Wayland Sinks
by H. R. Wilton Hall
by Charles Kingston
by Frank Wedekind
by Edward Gibbon
by Hector Malot
by Sir Francis Bond Head
by Mrs. (Elizabeth) Turner
by Gertrude Forde
by Franz Paul Liesegang
by Opie Percival Read
by Albert Edwards
by Heinrich Kanner
by Various Authors
by F. W. (Friedrich Wilhelm) Lyra