English drama — 19th century — Audiobooks

The Duchess of Padua

The Duchess of Padua

by Oscar Wilde

Dandy Dick: A Play in Three Acts

by Arthur Wing Pinero

The cup; and The falcon

by Baron Alfred Tennyson Tennyson

Single Life: A Comedy, in Three Acts

by John Baldwin Buckstone

A Duel in the Dark: An Original Farce, in One Act

by J. Stirling (Joseph Stirling) Coyne

The Wolves and the Lamb

The Wolves and the Lamb

by William Makepeace Thackeray

Count Alarcos; a Tragedy

Count Alarcos; a Tragedy

by Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli

The Prude's Progress: A Comedy in Three Acts

by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome , Eden Phillpotts

Married Life: A Comedy, in Three Acts

by John Baldwin Buckstone

The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith

The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith

by Arthur Wing Pinero

Comediettas and Farces

Comediettas and Farces

by John Maddison Morton

What will they say at Brompton? A Comedetta, in One Act.

by J. Stirling (Joseph Stirling) Coyne

Vandyke Brown: A Farce in One Act

by Adolphus Charles Troughton

Short and Sweet: A Comic Drama, in One Act

by Adolphus Charles Troughton