E186 — Audiobooks

The Colonization of North America, 1492-1783

The Colonization of North America, 1492-1783

by Herbert Eugene Bolton , Thomas Maitland Marshall

Good Newes from New England

Good Newes from New England

by Edward Winslow

Colonial dames and good wives

Colonial dames and good wives

by Alice Morse Earle

The Story of the Thirteen Colonies

The Story of the Thirteen Colonies

by H. A. (Hélène Adeline) Guerber

The History of the Thirteen Colonies of North America 1497-1763

The History of the Thirteen Colonies of North America 1497-1763

by Reginald W. (Reginald Welbury) Jeffery

The Beginners of a Nation

The Beginners of a Nation

by Edward Eggleston

England in America, 1580-1652

England in America, 1580-1652

by Lyon Gardiner Tyler

The Colonies, 1492-1750

The Colonies, 1492-1750

by Reuben Gold Thwaites

Declaration of Rights and Grievances

by N.Y.) Stamp Act Congress (1765 : New York

Historic Events of Colonial Days

Historic Events of Colonial Days

by Rupert Sargent Holland

Sir William Johnson and the Six Nations

by William Elliot Griffis

Essays in American history

by Henry Ferguson

The Campaign of 1760 in Canada

The Campaign of 1760 in Canada

by chevalier de James Johnstone Johnstone

A Dialogue in Hades

A Dialogue in Hades

by chevalier de James Johnstone Johnstone

Through Colonial Doorways

Through Colonial Doorways

by Anne Hollingsworth Wharton

The Taking of Louisburg, 1745

The Taking of Louisburg, 1745

by Samuel Adams Drake