High school students — Juvenile fiction — Audiobooks

Just Patty

Just Patty

by Jean Webster

The Motor Maids' School Days

The Motor Maids' School Days

by Katherine Stokes

The Chums of Scranton High

The Chums of Scranton High

by Donald Ferguson

The Rambler Club's ball nine

The Rambler Club's ball nine

by W. Crispin (William Crispin) Sheppard

The Lucky Seventh

The Lucky Seventh

by Ralph Henry Barbour

Betty Lee, Freshman

Betty Lee, Freshman

by Harriet Pyne Grove

Jacquette, a Sorority Girl

Jacquette, a Sorority Girl

by Grace Ethelwyn Cody

Helen in the Editor's Chair

Helen in the Editor's Chair

by Ruthe S. Wheeler

Betty Lee, Sophomore

Betty Lee, Sophomore

by Harriet Pyne Grove

Betty Lee, Senior

Betty Lee, Senior

by Harriet Pyne Grove

The Purple Pennant

The Purple Pennant

by Ralph Henry Barbour

Billy To-morrow Stands the Test

Billy To-morrow Stands the Test

by Sarah Pratt Carr

Billy To-morrow's Chums

Billy To-morrow's Chums

by Sarah Pratt Carr