Africa, West — Description and travel — Audiobooks

West African studies

West African studies

by Mary Henrietta Kingsley

Lost in the Jungle; Narrated for Young People

by Paul B. (Paul Belloni) Du Chaillu

Through Timbuctu and across the great Sahara

by A. H. W. (Austin Hubert Wightwick) Haywood

Alone in West Africa

by Mary Gaunt

The jungle folk of Africa

by Robert H. Milligan

Dawn in darkest Africa

Dawn in darkest Africa

by John H. (John Hobbis) Harris

Terres de soleil et de sommeil

by Ernest Psichari

The Land of Fetish

by A. B. (Alfred Burdon) Ellis

Africa and the American Flag

by Andrew H. (Andrew Hull) Foote

The Country of the Dwarfs

by Paul B. (Paul Belloni) Du Chaillu

Stories of the Gorilla Country, Narrated for Young People

by Paul B. (Paul Belloni) Du Chaillu

Langs de kust van Afrika

by vicomte de Alphonse Jean René Fleuriot de Langle