Walter Woelber Dalquest Audiobooks

Mammals of Washington, Volume 2

by Walter Woelber Dalquest

Geographic Range of the Hooded Skunk, Mephitis macroura

Geographic Range of the Hooded Skunk, Mephitis macroura

by Walter Woelber Dalquest , E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) Hall

A New Doglike Carnivore, Genus Cynarctus, From the Clarendonian, Pliocene, of Texas

by Walter Woelber Dalquest , E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) Hall

A Synopsis of the American Bats of the Genus Pipistrellus

A Synopsis of the American Bats of the Genus Pipistrellus

by Walter Woelber Dalquest , E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) Hall

Tadarida femorosacca (Merriam) in Tamaulipas, Mexico

by Walter Woelber Dalquest , E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) Hall

Pipistrellus cinnamomeus Miller 1902 Referred to the Genus Myotis

Pipistrellus cinnamomeus Miller 1902 Referred to the Genus Myotis

by Walter Woelber Dalquest , E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) Hall

A New Bat (Genus Myotis) From Mexico

by Walter Woelber Dalquest , E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) Hall